27.2 C
dimanche, septembre 22, 2024
AccueilActualitéPolitiqueRDC et Congo-Brazzaville: le Vice-premier Ministre Peter Kazadi s'engage en faveur des...

RDC et Congo-Brazzaville: le Vice-premier Ministre Peter Kazadi s’engage en faveur des réfugiés et renforce l’interaction en matière de sécurité

, we learn that the Vice-Premier Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Peter Kazadi Kankonde, travelled to Ngabe in Congo-Brazzaville for a two-day visit on Saturday, April 29th.

The purpose of the visit was to assess the conditions of the refugees who have fled intercommunal conflicts between the Teke and the Yaka in Kwamouth, Maï-Ndombe Province, and to discuss with his Congolese counterpart security questions between the two countries.

During the visit, Kazadi sought to reassure the displaced citizens that President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo is deeply concerned about their situation and to assess the support that Kinshasa could provide in the short-term. They agreed to hold the “Security Commission” Meeting in June in Congo-Brazzaville.

This fruitful visit highlights the government of Congo’s commitment to supporting its citizens affected by intercommunal conflicts and strengthening security cooperation between the two countries.



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