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vendredi, mars 14, 2025

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Nouveau conflit armé dans le Nord-Kivu : Clashes entre Nyatura et APCLS

take a look at the conflict between different factions in Masisi, North-Kivu that last from friday 19 to monday 22 May. Tensions have been surging between Nyatura and Janvier Kalahiri’s APCLS, and the fighting swept through sevral commnunities in Nyamaboko 1er, resulting in burning dwellings and displacement of people to safe areas.

Hostilities erupted in the villages of Kazinga, Makondero, Kabingu, Katsihiro and Bitoyi, pitted Nyatura/FF, Nyatura Abazungu, Nyatura FDDH, Nyatura Kubohoza and Janvier Kalahiri’s APCLS against one another. Local observers suggest the confrontations could be related to a turf war playing out for control of key regions.

Facing this alarming situation, Masisi’s MP Alexis Bahunga denounced the hostilities and appealed to the Governor of the province for intervention. He proposed sending a special FARDC unit to secure the population and put an end to this cycle of violence.

Bahunga also expressed his support for a forum organised by the Administrator of the Masisi territory, brought together the parties in conflict and local notables. He strongly encouraged the belligerents to immediately put an halt to the hostilities and join the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Reintegration and Stabilization (DDR-CS) program, with the goal of achieving a lasting peace in the Masisi territory.

Yvan Ilunga
Yvan Ilunga
Né à Lubumbashi, Yvan Ilunga est un passionné de la richesse culturelle du Congo. Expert en éducation et en musique, il vous plonge au cœur des événements culturels tout en mettant en lumière les initiatives éducatives à travers le pays. Il explore aussi la scène musicale avec une analyse fine des tendances artistiques congolaises, faisant d’Yvan une véritable référence en matière de culture.
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