26.2 C
vendredi, mars 7, 2025

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AccueilActualitéPolitiqueTragédie sur la RN2 à proximité du Lycée Wima dans le Sud-Kivu :...

Tragédie sur la RN2 à proximité du Lycée Wima dans le Sud-Kivu : 4 personnes perdues

spoke about a tragedy happened night of Friday April 12th, 2023 on national road 2, a few kilometers away from Lycée Wima in Kadutu, Bukavu.

A public transport bus went off the road, resulting in two fatalities of the 18 passengers on board, including chauffeur and assistants.

Fourteen of the people severely injured were taken to Bukavu’s General Hospital and two of them deceased during the morning of Saturday, raising the death toll to four, while twelve were hospitalized and two were left unscathed.

Although it is known that the advanced deterioration of the road conditions was the cause of the accident, the civic organization from the Nkafu district added that the driver was under the influence.

In light of this, the Congolese Drivers’ Association is urged to forbid drivers inebriated to get behind the wheel.

Yvan Ilunga
Yvan Ilunga
Né à Lubumbashi, Yvan Ilunga est un passionné de la richesse culturelle du Congo. Expert en éducation et en musique, il vous plonge au cœur des événements culturels tout en mettant en lumière les initiatives éducatives à travers le pays. Il explore aussi la scène musicale avec une analyse fine des tendances artistiques congolaises, faisant d’Yvan une véritable référence en matière de culture.
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