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dimanche, septembre 22, 2024
AccueilActualitéCultureRDC : Quelle fin pour le transport aérien national suite à la...

RDC : Quelle fin pour le transport aérien national suite à la cessation des activités des Lignes Aériennes Congolaises ?

writes Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – The report of the 98th meeting of the Council of Ministers revealed an alarming reality for the country’s national air transport system. The Congolese Airlines (LAC), the national airline company, is undergoing liquidation. The colossal debt accumulated by the company, amounting to a total of 184,745 million USD, represents a major challenge for the future of air transport within the country.

The detail of this debt highlights the complexity of the situation. The LAC’s certified claims against the Congolese State are valued at 15,146 million USD. Furthermore, social debt due to the company’s agents and executives is estimated at 124,469 million USD, underlining the magnitude of the unfulfilled obligations towards the company’s personnel. Finally, the debts to third parties amount to 45,13 million USD.

In light of this critical situation, the Minister of the Portfolio presented several solutions currently being implemented. The main objective is to solve immediate problems while preparing the ground for a more prosperous future of national air transport.

Among these solutions is the settlement of social debt, which means that obligations to the company’s employees will be honored. Then, the available assets of the company, related to air operation, will be assigned in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. Finally, an effort will be made to protect and recover company assets that have been spoliated or are at risk of spoliation.

These measures are essential to establish a precise inventory of the LAC’s available assets. This will allow the Government to assess the true situation of this national company and make informed decisions on the implementation of a new vehicle capable of reviving the optimal exploitation of air activities in the country.

The liquidation of LAC represents a turning point for air transport in the DR Congo. The actions taken today will determine not only the way in which this crisis is resolved, but also the direction that the national air sector will take in the future. It is essential that the transition be managed in a way that promotes stability, growth and innovation in this key sector of the Congolese economy.



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