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Processus électoral en RDC: Plus de 47 millions d’électeurs enregistrés sur un total de 49,273,109 attendus

, the news website, reports on the results of the voter enrollment presented Friday, May 12th, 2023 at the plenary assembly of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) in DRC.

CENI’s rapporteur, Patricia Nseya, who presented the statistics, highlighted that due to the insecurity conditions in certain areas of the country, the voter enrollment was not effective in Kwamouth-Maï Ndombe, Masisi and Rutshuru territories.

The following report came after the end of the voter enrollment:
– Anticipated number of voters: 49,273,109.
– Actually enrolled: 47,862,561, which is 97.14%.
– By gender:
– Men: 23,371,838, making 48.83%.
– Women: 24,490,723, making 51.17%.
– Voters without fingerprint evidence: 269,272, 0.6%.
– Voters without Iris recognition: 411,718, 0.9%.
– Number of adults expected by 2024: 4,795,479, 10% of all voters.
– Congolese citizens registered from abroad: 12,034.
– Voters in possession of an attestation: 4,449,828, 9.3%.

Moreover, CENI registered 31 deaths related directly or indirectly to the voter’s list revision. Those cases include temporary operational crew, petitioners and police officers.

Finally, CENI remarked that the elections are planned by December 20th, 2023.



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