33.2 C
dimanche, mars 16, 2025

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AccueilActualitéPolitiqueTanganyika : La Gouverneure révoquée par les députés provinciaux

Tanganyika : La Gouverneure révoquée par les députés provinciaux

, the citizens of Tanganyika have expressed their dissatisfaction with the current provincial governor, Julie Ngungwa Mwayuma. On Monday, May 8th, 2023, the day’s provincial assembly session in Kalemie led to the dismissal of the current governor with the margin of 14 out of 25 votes.

The assembly debate was initiated by the provincial deputy Kakudji Wama, in order to address the difficulties experienced in the governance of the country. Governor Mwayuma had gone missing since April 28th, as discontent with her leadership has drastically grown.

The provincial government has recently suffered major changes, and the dismissal of several ministers who were related to the personal cabinet of President Guylain Nyembo and members of the Dynamique Guylain Nyembo (DGN) has caused a series of protests.

The assembly voted for governor Julie Ngungwa Mwayuma’s departure following the humiliation of her management of the province of Tanganyika which includes mismanaging public contracts, penalizing freedom of expression and a lack of sufficient leadership vision for its development. This is the second time in the same legislature that the deputies dismissed the governor, the first being Zoé Kabila Mwanza Mbala, brother to former President Joseph Kabila.

Yvan Ilunga
Yvan Ilunga
Né à Lubumbashi, Yvan Ilunga est un passionné de la richesse culturelle du Congo. Expert en éducation et en musique, il vous plonge au cœur des événements culturels tout en mettant en lumière les initiatives éducatives à travers le pays. Il explore aussi la scène musicale avec une analyse fine des tendances artistiques congolaises, faisant d’Yvan une véritable référence en matière de culture.
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