25.2 C
dimanche, septembre 22, 2024
AccueilActualitéPolitiquePrésumée attaque des ADF fait cesser temporairement la circulation à Lukaya, près...

Présumée attaque des ADF fait cesser temporairement la circulation à Lukaya, près de Mambasa.

would like to inform its co-citizens that a failed ambush has recently take place in Lukaya, Chefferie de Babila Babombi, in Mambasa territory. According to our sources, the incident occurred between 7 and 8 o’clock on the way to National Road Number 44, at a distance of 93 km far from Mambasa Center.

Among the passengers, a civil named Mumbere Zawadi was injured in his back, as testified by Maître John Vuleveryo, an actor of the civil society in this district.

This attempt at ambush caused a temporary blockage of the traffic flux in this sector.

The Congolese Civil Society alerts people that the threat is still present in the region after the murderous attack of Makumo and calls for increased vigilance.



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