27.2 C
dimanche, septembre 22, 2024
AccueilActualitéPolitiqueEffets du discours de haine en RDC sur les élections 2023 et...

Effets du discours de haine en RDC sur les élections 2023 et la sécurité à l’Est

draws the attention to the current security and political instability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as the polls of December 2023 approach. The proliferation of hate speech on social media and in the media is threatening social cohesion and the country’s stability. Citizens are therefore pressing for initiatives to put an end to this form of hate.

The upcoming polls in the DRC have triggered a heightened degree of tension and have given rise to an exponential increase in hate speech. These messages of discrimination or stigmatization, spread by political and media actors, deepen the cleavages between the DRC’s ethnic, religious and political communities. This situation has led to a radicalization of opinions, increased divisions and fuelled conflicts, particularly in the East of the country.

Unfortunately, in spite of the persistence of this phenomenon, current initiatives to fight hate speech remain insufficient in the DRC. Urgent measures are needed to prevent and tackle hate speech. Moving forward towards twenty-twenty-three’s polls, the fight against hateful words must become everyone’s focus in the Congolese society: politicians, media actors, religious leaders, and citizens. Each individual must take responsibility for the effects of their words on social cohesion and commit to promoting dialogue, tolerance and mutual respect.

In conclusion, with the elections of 2023 in sight and rebellions in the East, the proliferation of hate speech in the DRC poses a major challenge to the peace and stability of the nation.



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