27.2 C
dimanche, février 23, 2025

Toute l'Actualité RDC, en Direct et en Détail

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d’électricité Lubumbashi : l’hôpital Sendwe subit un arrêt de service suite à une panne d’électricité

Agency, we bring to our readers a synthesis of the issues faced by the population of Lushois and the actions currently implemented by the local government of Lubumbashi for their resolution. On Wednesday the 26th of April, the broadest and cheapest morgue of the city, located at Hospital Sendwe, was shut down due to a fault in the cold room. Cyrille Mulaji, the head of general administration of the city, stressed that the municipality had retrieved forty unclaimed corpses and proceeded to bury them, as they had reached an advanced state of decomposition. In the meantime, they are decontaminating the inside of the morgue before commencing the fixing of the cold room. The local government is advising the citizens of Lubumbashi to take the corpses of their deceased relatives to other morgues found in the copper capital. It is the hope of the authorities of Lubumbashi that the cause of this unfortunate circumstance will be rectified in due course.

Miché Mikito
Miché Mikito
Né au bord du majestueux fleuve Congo, à Kisangani, Miché Mikito vous propose une couverture sportive dynamique et un éclairage unique sur les enjeux environnementaux. Passionné de sport, il suit de près les compétitions locales et internationales tout en restant très attentif à la préservation des richesses naturelles du Congo. Miché est votre guide pour tout ce qui concerne le sport et l’environnement.
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