24.2 C
dimanche, septembre 22, 2024
AccueilActualitéPolitiqueRDC: Rencontre entre des représentants de l'AFDC-Kasaï et le ministre Bahati Lukwebo

RDC: Rencontre entre des représentants de l’AFDC-Kasaï et le ministre Bahati Lukwebo

will relay the strong commitment of the leaders of the Alliance of Democratic Forces Congo (AFDC) in respect to Modeste Bahati Lukwebo, the party’s moral authority. On Thursday, April 20th, the latter’s loyalty was highlighted and thanks for his signature of the charter of the sacred union for the nation as well as for its extension in the presidency of the same one.

At the end of their meeting, the party leaders indicated that the aim of the gathering was to discuss the current political and organizational issues of the group.

Benito Mbangu – one of the AFDC Kasaï delegates and visionary of the Everyone Counts movement, who has entrusted our editorial staff – stressed that the massive adhesion of Kasaïens and Kasaïennes within the AFDC is of paramount importance to choose valid representatives for the upcoming elections in December.

It should be noted that the delegation was led by Alphonsine Bundu, the federal representative of the AFDC Kasaï.



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