, we inform you that the Governor of Haut-Katanga, Jacques Kyabula Katwe, has on Wednesday April 12th remade his Provincial Government. Four new minister and one Commissioner have been added to Kyabula’s team, while some have been reassigned. This is the case of the Finance Minister, John Muloba Kitonge, who will replace Bruno Choma Choma. Georges Mawine, former Minister of Mines, is replaced by Toto Chansa Ilunga, and Mr. Georges Mawine have become Commissioner in charge of Energy. In the Budget nothing, Jean-Lévi Cema Mwansa succeeds Christian Momat; Mrs. Prudence Kabange Ilunga takes over the Ministry of Gender, Family and Child, and she is replaced at Education by Mrs. Marie-Chantal Kaleya Kilufya. For this effect, Henock Seya leaves the Rural Development Commissioner and is replaced by Robert Mulubwa Mumba in Rural Development. The new technical advisor of the Governor is Prince Amuri Awazi, replacing Eric Sakuyema who has become Minister of Infrastructure since the end of 2022.